Children's Worship Arts
The Children’s Worship Arts Ministry of First Baptist Church, Marietta is committed to preparing each child as engaged worship leaders and participants through their activities in Worship Arts Children. We do this through singing, playing instruments such as handbells, Orff Instruments and other rhythm instruments, movement and visual arts, and any other means we can discover to help them blossom into active Christians citizens in the Kingdom of God.
Did you know that on the average…
After the age of nine, the ability to maintain a steady-beat rhythm does not change appreciably?
The ability to hear and understand pitch flourishes mostly between the ages of six and nine?
The most significant development in hearing and understanding music occurs between the ages of six and seven, and that by age eight a plateau is reached?
Before the age of eight, children do not hear and understand harmony, but the ability to sense tonality develops greatly during the eighth year?
After the age of twelve, though adults are able to learn and appreciate music, the challenges associated with learning the basics in music is increased?
Wonderful Wednesdays!
Wonderful Wednesdays combines both Children’s Worship Arts and Children’s Ministry events and is held on (big surprise) Wednesday nights! It begins at 5:45pm with a gathering time followed by Children’s Worship Arts and then rotation stations. This all takes place in our Kids Quest area designed just for children and located right off the church's Welcome Center.
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