What do children in grades 4-6 do in Children’s Worship Arts?
They work with music and other arts to:
Sing with a beautiful tone as a choir. Songs, hymns, anthems, solos, musicals. Children learn how to use their voices correctly as they sing many kinds of music. Sing in harmony: Rounds, canons, obbligatos, a second part. Many anthems divide into two parts. Read the notation of voice parts: Using many resources to help each child learn to read music. Play instrumental accompaniments: Bells, recorder, choir chimes, rhythm instruments, recorders, Orff instruments, etc. Children may add these instruments to accompaniments as needed. Listen to good music: Recordings serve as musical models. Other recordings introduce the music of great composers. Observe all musical markings on the page: Key, tempo, and dynamic markings – all help the musician express mood in music.
They use music and the arts to learn how to worship God by...
Memorizing many hymns and anthems: Biblical truths in hymns and worship songs memorized by children become more meaningful as they mature. Serving as musical leaders in worship: Older children musicians are able to participate more often in worship services. Rehearsing performance skills needed by a choir: Standing and sitting together and using the printed order of worship and hymnal are skills needed by worshipers.
They learn that music and the arts are something people do together by...
Following the instructions and conducting of the director: All must start and stop singing at the same instant. Singing in choir is a team art. Conducting hymns and anthems: Experiencing the role of director prepares older children for future leadership. Cooperating in both small- and large-group experiences: Games, playing musical instruments, all music making demands a high degree of cooperation. Working to their individual capacities: Leaders of small groups make sure each child can perform at the level of his or her abilities.