Local Missions
Disaster Care Buckets
Our Mission: FBCM is assembling 25 buckets of essential supplies to be ready to help in future disasters in the Southeastern USA.
Why Prepare Now? In a disaster, such as storms with downed trees or floods, immediate action is crucial. Pre-packed buckets of supplies can provide timely support for volunteer teams to help families in crisis.
What Is Needed: What Is Needed: We need your help in gathering the specific items on the list below and packing them into new 5 gallon buckets with lids. Adult groups or individuals can assemble buckets. Separate items from the list also accepted. Click here to view the list of items needed.
For questions, contact contact Sheryl Ballenger at sheryl.ballenger@att.net.
Mission: Marietta
One week every June, our Student Ministry, in conjunction with church and community volunteers, participates in home improvement projects for low income and elderly residents here in Marietta. Projects include: roofing, painting, carpentry, landscaping and house cleaning. We need volunteers to work on projects and also to make and deliver lunches to volunteers at each work site.
First Connection
Volunteers in the community work together to help meet basic needs of the elderly and low-income residents of Cobb County, such as home repairs, auto repairs, electrical, plumbing repairs, grass mowing, and general clean up. Men, women and youth can volunteer to help with simple or more complex projects. For more information contact Jack Godbee at godbees@bellsouth.net.
Cup of Kindness
Cup of Kindness provides services for the homebound and grieving families. These dedicated individuals send cards, prepare and deliver meals, and generally give comfort. Volunteers are always needed. Patrice White and Lynne Benson, are the coordinators.
Adults on Mission
Inviting all men and women with a heart for missions!
We meet the first Tuesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall.
Arrive at 9:30AM for fellowship and yummy snacks. Meeting begins at 10:00AM. Enjoy a variety of speakers, discussion, prayer for our First Baptist Church Marietta missionaries/other missionary endeavors and participate in mission action projects that our Lord Jesus has called our church to be involved in.
Contact Kelly Singleton 678-741-8869 with any questions.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The Youth Detention Center Ministry
This ministry is an opportunity to witness to and make a connection with youth who are in legal trouble. First Baptist Church Marietta has served troubled youth for 50 years. Marcus McLeroy is the director and is always looking for a few good volunteers. Contact Marcus at: McLeroy7@bellsouth.net.
StoreHouse Ministries
StoreHouse Ministries provides many different types of aid to those in need in our community. First Baptist Church Marietta members provide food for Operation Share during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. Anyone can make a donation through many of the Sunday morning Bible study classes or in the general collection boxes located at the Missions Center Desk. Call Karen Stevens at (770) 422-3347.
The Good Samaritan Health Center
The Good Samaritan Health Center is a Christian-based clinic that provides ongoing medical, dental, and counseling services for the indigent and those without health insurance. Volunteers from First Baptist Marietta work in various positions (usually non-medical) at the clinic.
The Extension
The Extension is a non-profit, community-supported organization serving Cobb County and the entire metropolitan Atlanta area. It provides addiction recovery services through a comprehensive Residential Recovery Program for homeless men and women, outpatient counseling and various outreach initiatives.Various groups, such as Sunday morning Bible study classes, provide a meal the first Monday of each month for Women's Extension and the fourth Monday of each month for Men's Extension. You can volunteer through your class or contact the coordinator, Susan Pack at: sapack@bellsouth.net.
Daily Bread
FBCM offers a free lunch for anyone who would like a meal on Mondays at 1:00pm. Volunteers are always needed for serving and general help.
Clothes Closet
FBCM offers a Clothes Closet for men, women, and children, providing essential clothing to those in need. We welcome donations of gently used or new clothing to support this ministry.
Current Needs: We are specifically seeking winter and cold-weather items for men, women, and children, including:
Jackets and coats
Rain gear
Hoodies, sweatshirts, sweaters
Hats and gloves
Long-sleeved shirts and t-shirts
Collared shirts and blouses
Additionally, we are collecting new socks and underwear for all ages and sports bras for women. Your donations of these items are greatly appreciated!
Please Note:
Due to limited storage space, we are not accepting warm weather or out-of-season clothing at this time. Kindly sort donations by category (Men, Women, Children), and look for the labeled bins in the Missions Area across from library.
Your generosity helps us serve Daily Bread guests and English School students, with donations used year-round. Drop off in Missions Area across from the library.
Big Game Outreach
First Baptist Church Marietta has a tradition of providing a warm meal for the homeless on Super Bowl Sunday. It is prepared and served by our Student Ministry, aided by parents and other volunteers. Warm clothing, blankets, and tents are also provided by church members. Volunteers are needed to provide transportation for the homeless, cook and serve the meal, and clean up afterwards.
The English School
The English School at First Baptist Church Marietta offers five levels of English classes and citizenship preparation classes free to the international community in Cobb County. Volunteers are welcome to participate in teaching, registering students, and of course, witnessing. Training is provided.