What do children in grades 1-3 do in Children’s Worship Arts?

They work with music and other arts to:

Learn to sing on pitch: Scale songs, echo songs, good posture, and lots of practice contribute to singing in tune. Respond to more intricate rhythms: Is the rhythm noticeably different between these two songs as the leader claps “Jesus Loves Me” or “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”?  Play a variety of instruments: rhythm instruments, handbells, choir chimes, recorders, Orff instruments, finger cymbals, and many others.  Decide how music is put together: Does the second line sound exactly like the first? Is it softer or louder than the first?  Begin to read musical notation: How many quarter notes are in this measure? Do the notes move up or down?

They use music and the arts to learn how to worship God by:

Becoming aware of how music makes them feel: Is this song exciting, peaceful, or glad? Which song should be sung for prayer? Beginning to develop their worship vocabulary: Anthem, prelude, postlude, offertory. Singing for special services of the church.  Memorizing hymns and anthems: “Christ our God, to thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise…” “Indescribable, uncontainable...”  Children’s music bring joy to festival, seasonal events such as Advent leading to Christmas.

They learn that music and the arts are something people do together by:

Working in small groups: Every child gets a turn. Every child works at his or her level of ability. Participating in a large performance group: Each voice makes an important contribution to the sound of a choir. Observing caring and knowledgeable leaders: Leaders serve as adult models. Leaders care for children and music.