Student Worship Arts

Students, grades 7 through 12, are busier now than at any time in our past. School, work, athletics, school band and chorus, technology, and on and on it goes. Currently, students in grade 10 or higher may become members of the Worship Choir after. Just arrange a meeting with Dr. Hill to discuss the expectations for membership. For students who play instruments and may be interested in playing in the First Orchestra, contact Dr. Hill regarding special arrangements to help make this connection.

We are always looking for new ways to provide a community of faith for students who share musical and artistic interests. Contact the Minister of Worship Arts for an update of the current opportunities for both singer and instrumentalists. Our goal is not to force any musical idea on our students but to facilitate the interests that they have into ministries to help them further develop their faith.

Contact Dr. Paul Hill at or call him at 770.424.8326, ext 116.