Spring 2025 Adult Groups
There are several classes and Bible study groups that are taking place this semester. We’d love you to join us this semester as we continue to be transformed by Jesus.
There are several classes and Bible study groups that are taking place this semester. We’d love you to join us this semester as we continue to be transformed by Jesus.
IT’S OPENING DAY! Celebrate MLB opening weekend with the Varsity food truck, your favorite team jerseys and a wiffle ball game! Join us on March 29th from 6-9pm.
Participants are encouraged to wear their favorite baseball jersey to the event!
Don’t miss this awesome night to connect with others and kick off the baseball season. Childcare is available and provided by The CONNECT Ministry—free of charge!
RSVP by March 23!
Join us for this special Sunday as our children lead in our 11 am worship service through saying prayers, reading scripture, presenting what they’ve learned in their Children’s Worship Arts groups, collecting offering, and more.
Following worship all families with children are invited to the Fellowship Hall for lunch & egg hunts! Make sure you bring your Easter baskets!
The lunch is free for all families, but we ask that you RSVP by March 23rd in order for us to prepare enough food.
All are welcome to join us.
We gather the second Sunday of each month, 5-6pm in the Chapel of FBC Marietta.
Have questions? Contact prayergathering@mariettafbc.org.
Mission Marietta is a week-long event where our students get to experience being the hands and feet of Christ in our own community. Students will be out on job sites all throughout Cobb County and North Georgia.
This event is open to all students who were in 6th-12th grade during the 2024-2025 school year. Rising 6th grade students can register but not spend the night. We have an incredible line up planned for worship and we are excited about Mission Marietta 2025!
Join us on an ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that Jesus is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!
RSVP: Registration will open to volunteers of children on March 1, 2025. Registration for members of FBC Marietta will open on April 1, 2025. Registration to the community will open on May 1, 2025.
PASSPORTkids! is a 4 day, 3 night children's camp for children who have completed 3rd-5th grade by June 2025. Camp is filled with fun faith-building programs and hands-on missions education. At camp, your kids will discover God's love and learn to follow Jesus through a jam-packed schedule of Bible studies, missions education, recreation, and worship.
Need a date night? Want to get some time to get things done without the kids? Sign up for Parents Night Out!
Our Kids Quest Staff will do the babysitting so you can have a night out. Activities will include games, crafts, a snack, and a movie.
RSVP by the Sunday prior to Parents’ Night Out.
PNO is open to kids birth-5th grade.
Concert series at FBC Marietta
Friday, March 14th at 7pm | In our Chapel
Join us for an evening of songs and stories, where music and words inspire and entertain. Experience the magic of storytelling and song in the beautiful chapel at First Baptist Church Marietta.
This is a night you won’t want to miss! Sign up to let us know you are coming!
All are welcome to join us.
We gather the second Sunday of each month, 5-6pm in the Chapel of FBC Marietta.
Have questions? Contact prayergathering@mariettafbc.org.
All 3rd-5th Graders are invited to a lock-in on February 28th, 6:30pm at FBC Marietta. We will participate in a Valentine's Themed Escape Room at the church that will help us learn more about God's love, eat pizza, watch a movie (Evan Almighty), play games, and spend the night at the church. Pick up is at 8am on Saturday, March 1st. Friends are welcome to register.
We will spend the night in the Theater Room at the church. 3rd-5th Graders will need to bring sleeping bag, pillow, air mattress (if desired), pajamas, and clothes to change into in the morning.
Join us on Sunday, January 9th as we welcome the community into our Fellowship Hall to watch the Super Bowl, have a warm meal, and be able to get clothes from the clothes closet.
Volunteers are needed in a variety of ways. We are also collecting $10 giftcards to McDonald’s and Wendy’s. For more specific details, and to sign up to volunteer, please click the “Learn More” button.
We gather the second Sunday of each month, 5-6pm in the Chapel of FBC Marietta. All are welcome to join.
Have questions? Contact prayergathering@mariettafbc.org.
Our next Church in Conference will take place Wednesday, January 29 at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Join us Saturday, January 25th from 9am-1:30pm for a day of fellowship. “A Gathering of Women: Come and Rest,” will start off with coffee at 8:45am followed by Session 1.
Come enjoy a time of worship and our guest speaker Emily Goolsby, Global Women’s Minister Director, Second Baptist Church from Houston, TX. We will enjoy a delicious lunch together, fellowship and reconvene for Session 2. Our time will end at 1:30pm.
Cost is $25 per ticket.
Friday, January 17, 2025
5:00 PM-10:00 PM
Need a date night? Want to get some time without the kids? Sign up for Parents Night Out!
Our Kids Quest Staff will do the babysitting so you can have a night out. Activities will include games, crafts, a snack, and a movie. Send your child with a sack dinner (nut free) or eat dinner before dropping your kids off.
RSVP by January 12th. Space is limited, so sign up today!
Join us for a 3rd-5th grade retreat January 10-12, 2025 at Rock Eagle 4H Camp in Eatonton, GA. This retreat is organized by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia. We will be joining other churches from around the state to participate in this retreat.
We will leave Friday evening and return Sunday morning. Activities will include games, mission centers, recreation, Bible study, and worship.
Register by Sunday, November 17th to secure your child's spot.
To accommodate families who may be traveling during the holidays, FBC Marietta is offering two opportunities to celebrate Christmas Eve together. Join us on December 23rd at 5:30pm in the Chapel or December 24th at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary.
Both services will feature a special children’s message, beloved Christmas carols, communion, a meaningful message from Brandon, and a beautiful candle lighting. We warmly invite you to bring your neighbors and family as we rejoice in the birth of our Savior.
Childcare for children birth-PreK will be available at both services.
Need a date night? Want to get some Christmas shopping done without the kids? Sign up for Parents Night Out!
Our Kids Quest Staff will do the babysitting so you can have a night out. Activities will include games, crafts, a snack, and a movie. Send your child with a sack dinner (nut free) or eat dinner before dropping your kids off.
RSVP by December 15th. Space is limited, so sign up today!
All middle and high school students are invited to join us on Sunday, December 15th at 5:30pm in the Student Center for our Christmas party.
Come rock your favorite Christmas sweater and join us for an evening of delicious food, fun games
and fellowship!
Our annual Family Christmas Day & Jingle Jam will be on Sunday, December 15th.
During our 11am worship service, our Children’s Worship Arts Groups will be leading us in worship through music. We will also get to see our 3’s through Kindergarten act out the Nativity Scene for us as we all worship and celebrate that first Christmas long ago.
Following the 11am worship service, we will have a Jingle Jam in the Fellowship Hall for all families with Children. This will be a fun family-centered event celebrating the Christmas story with games, prizes, and of course a delicious lunch. This is open to all families with children. Your child does NOT have to participate in Children’s Worship Arts in order to attend the lunch. We would love for ALL of our families with children to join us for this special day.
For lunch we will be having baked ziti & spaghetti, salad, rolls, and dessert. The lunch is free, but we ask that you RSVP by December 8th in order for us to prepare enough food.
We invite you to join us for a 24 hour vigil as we come together in prayer this Christmas season in our Sanctuary. 24 hour security will be provided.
24 Hours of Prayer will begin at 6pm on December 13th and end at 6pm on December 14th.
All guests and members are welcome. This is a gift from the Deacons at FBCM.
Rev. Dr. Paul Hill's retirement service will be Sunday, December 8th. We have a lot that we want to do to recognize Dr. Hill, so we will be starting worship at 10:45am on this special day. Please make plans to join us as we recognize Dr. Hill and his 45 years of ministry, including the last 25 years at FBC Marietta. There will be a special reception following the service. More details about the reception will follow.
Join us for our 25th annual Carols by Candlelight concert as we kick off the season of Advent. This concert is presented by our Worship Arts Ministry under the direction of Rev. Dr. Paul Hill.
There are three opportunities to see this concert:
Sunday, December 1st at 3pm
Sunday, December 1st at 7pm
Monday December 2nd at 7pm
This a free concert with free childcare for children birth through PreK.
Join us for an evening of food and fellowship with the Connect Ministry! The cost is free but we are asking attendees to sign up to bring a side dish. Link will be provided in confirmation email. Please bring 5 canned goods to support the Storehouse Ministry. Childcare will be provided by the Connect Ministry and is free of charge to participants!
Who: 3rd-5th graders
Where: Sparkles
Date: November 15, 2024
Time: 6:00pm-10pm
Cost: $25
RSVP Deadline: November 10th
3rd-5th Graders are invited to join us on Friday, November 15th for a night out at Sparkles! We will eat pizza, play laser tag, roller skate, and play games in the arcade. A $10 arcade cost is included in the cost of registration, however you might want to send extra for the arcade. Friends are welcome. RSVP by Sunday, November 10th!
All middle and high school students are invited to join us in the student center from 5:30-7:30pm. We will have dinner, fellowship, worship and games.
We gather the second Sunday of each month, 5-6pm in the Chapel of FBC Marietta.
Our next JOY Trip will be Sunday, November 10th at 2:30pm. We will be going to The Strand Theatre for a viewing of the Sanders Family Christmas. Tickets are $25. Please RSVP online by clicking the button, or call Kelly Singleton (678) 741-8869 in the church office to make a reservation.
Sanders Family Christmas is the sequel to Connie Ray and Alan Bailey’s wildly successful bluegrass gospel musical Smoke on the Mountain. It’s December 24, 1941, and America is going to war. So is Dennis Sanders, of the Sanders Family Singers. Join Pastor Mervin Oglethorpe and the rest of the Sanders family as they send Dennis off with hilarious and touching stories and twenty-five Southern Gospel Christmas favorites.
Join us now through December 3, 2024 as we support Mission 1:27’s Christmas Market.
Christmas is a special time of celebration for families. Unfortunately, too many hard-working families find themselves coming up short at holiday time and unable to provide the Christmas toys their children would love to have. Mission 1:27 believes that families would prefer to provide for themselves and experience the joy of selecting gifts for their children rather than receive a handout. At the Mission 1:27 Christmas Market families will find the latest and greatest toys and gifts at greatly reduced prices. All items are priced at 75-80% off retail, thus allowing families in challenging times to afford Christmas gifts for their children.
We are excited to invite you to our Fall Festival on Sunday, October 27, 2-4pm. We will have inflatables, face painting, petting zoo, carnival games, cotton candy, popcorn, pretzels, and more! Wear your Halloween Costume.
This event is free. Guest are welcome.
We meet to pray for our Adult Children and Grandchildren. All are welcome to join us.
We gather the second Sunday of each month, 5-6pm in the Chapel of FBC Marietta.
If you would like to join the email list to receive for information about future prayer gatherings, please click the button below and fill out the contact form. Got questions? Contact prayergathering@mariettafbc.org.
Wonderful Wednesdays are a time when our children get to explore their faith, learn how they can share God's love around the world, and how to worship God through many different art forms! Each Wednesday children ages 3 years-old* through 5th grade will participate in age-graded children's worship arts classes and rotation classes. Some of the activities your child will experience are singing, drama, playing instruments, missions, Bible study, games, and lots more!
*Children must be three-years-old by September 1, 2024 to be old enough to participate. Childcare in the nursery is provided for children under three.
Come be a part of First Baptist Marietta’s July 4th Celebration! Continuing a wonderful tradition started many years ago, we will once again open our doors to serve our community by providing cold water, clean bathrooms, baby changing and nursing areas, and a dog watering station. In addition, we will also have a team to offer water to parade watchers. Volunteers are needed to help set up on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, we will give out the water, provide directions and offer hospitality.
In addition to welcoming guest into our building to use the restrooms and provide drinking water, we will have a hospitality room with food for the employees from Marietta City, parks and recreation, Marietta police and fire departments, and our sanitation workers. Volunteers are needed to sign up to bring in food to serve to the city workers.
Contact Lauren Dyer at ldyer@mariettafbc.org to learn more information.
The Connect Ministry is hosting a dinner night out on Friday, June 21st, at 6 p.m. They invite all single or married adults, young professionals, and parents of children and students to join them at Marietta Melt Yard for a night of fellowship. Registration is required.