Modern Worship Service

At FBCM we gather weekly as a family of faith to participate in worship. Each Sunday we offer two different times and styles of worship. Both services consist of music, scripture reading, and a sermon.

9am Worship, Chapel

10am Groups for all ages

11am Worship, Sanctuary

Below are some frequently asked questions that you might be asking as you decide which service to attend. 

  • The main difference between the two different types of services we offer is the style of music. The Modern Worship service is led by our Minister of Pastoral Care and Contemporary Worship, Paul Reeves, and a praise band using instruments that include but aren’t limited to a guitar, piano/keyboard, and drums. The songs that are selected to sing are more contemporary in style as well.

    The Traditional Worship service is led by our Minister of Worship Arts, Dr. Paul Hill, and our choir and orchestra. The songs that are selected to sing are traditional congregational hymns.

    To learn more about our Traditional Worship and the Worship Arts Ministry, click here.

  • The Modern Worship service is located in our Chapel. The Traditional Worship service is located in our Sanctuary. Both can be accessed from Church St., however most enter through our Welcome Center at 60 Dobbs Street, across from our parking lots.

    Once you enter the Welcome Center, volunteers from our Hospitality Ministry are ready to direct you on how to get to either service.

    Both the Sanctuary and Chapel are accessible by all mobility devices.

  • We have two parking lots located off of Church Street between Hansell and Dobbs Street. Many of our worshippers also park in nearby parking lots. On Sundays, you'll find additional parking in the County parking deck located directly across the street on the corner of Cherokee Street and Dobbs Street. While this deck is paid parking, you can bring your parking ticket to the church’s Welcome Center to receive a validation sticker to get free parking.

  • The minister preaching each week will preach the same sermon in both services.

  • You are welcome to wear whatever you are most comfortable in. You will see people wearing jeans all the way to a coat and tie. Come how you feel best to worship.

  • Yes, there will be childcare in our nursery for infants-PreK children. The nursery will open at 8:45am for the 9am Modern Worship service, and 10:45am for the 11am Traditional Service. 

    During both services we have Children's Worship for K-3rd graders. These children will attend the start of the service with their family. At the appropriate time that is indicated during the service, our K-3rd graders will be led by screened staff and volunteers to go to the Theater Room (Rm 101 in the children’s area) for Children’s Worship. At the conclusion of the service they can be picked up in the Theater Room.

    We also have age-graded classes for Bible Study during our Groups hour from 10am-10:45am for infants-5th grade.

    Please check your child in first on the computers in the Welcome Center prior to dropping your child off.  Our staff will be there to assist you checking in and will help direct you to the location to drop your child(ren) off.

  • At FBCM, we value students worshiping with their families. We encourage students to attend worship with their families and/or friends and 9am and 11am. There is a dedicated time for students to gather together at 10am during our adult group time in the Student Center (bottom floor of the Family Life Center building).

  • Yes, we are asking all groups to begin their lessons at 10am. This will allow people who attend the 9am Modern Worship service to still join and attend a group. Some groups may choose to gather at 9:45am for coffee, fellowship, and prayer time.

  • We have groups and classes that meet on Sunday mornings at 10am as well as different times throughout the week. You can view a list of our adult groups and classes by clicking here.

    If there isn’t a class that fits your schedule or if you would like to talk to a minister about a group, please email our Senior Pastor, Brandon Owen.

  • Did you know that most people begin attending a church because they were invited? Invite your friends and neighbors to join us at either worship service and to join one of our groups each Sunday. Our mission is to continue the life and work of Jesus from the heart of Marietta. Part of doing that is inviting others who do not attend a church to come and join us. So, find someone to invite as your personal guest this week!

We look forward to having you with us on Sundays as we worship and grow in your faith together.