Sunday Morning classes


Spiritual Formation Ministry helps adults to mature in their faith by providing small-group experiences on Sunday mornings. Our Classes offer weekly opportunities for members and guests to learn God's Word, spend time in prayer and build relationships. To view our current classes, check out our listing below! To see more details, simply click the + sign for a drop-down menu. We invite everyone to join a class and experience the fellowship of the Christian community.  

All classes meet in person; classes marked with an asterisk (*) are hybrid and meet in-person and virtually.


YOUNG ADULT Ages 18-40



  • Room 344 - Young adults just
    starting out with their careers
    Age 18-30s

  • Room 203/205 - Couples & Singles
    Age 20s-30s

    While life is a journey, we desire to build relationships with God and each other through studying the Bible, sharing concerns, praying together and serving others in the church and community.

  • Room 213 - Couples, Singles
    Age 30s-40s

    “Living Intentional Faith Every Day” - we desire to live out our faith intentionally daily and to hold each other accountable through Bible study and fellowship.

  • Room 210 - Young couples with children
    Age 30s-40s

    Abiding in Christ and growing as Christian families through Bible study, discussion, and fellowship.

  • Room 223 - Couples and Singles
    Age 50+

    While following the discipleship model of Jesus, we seek to grow in faith through a deeper study of the Bible, one book at a time, in historical context. We desire to connect with each other in fellowship, through support and by encouraging one another in all aspects of life as a family of faith.

  • Room: Parlor - Couples & Singles

    Looking at the Bible, in depth, verse by verse, class members seek the ebb and flow of biblical doctrine for life application and how to live a life that shows Christ to others.

  • Room 252 - Couples & Singles
    Age 55+

    (Friends In Service to Him)

  • Room 214 - Couples & Singles
    Ages 50s-70s

  • Room 146 - Couples & Singles
    All Ages

    We want to help you better explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is true to the faith. Virtual classes will be available in 2024.

  • Room 215 - Couples & Singles
    Age 50s-60s

  • Room 300 - Married & Single Women
    Age 65+

    A women’s class connected by prayer, love and fellowship. As we study God’s Word, it is our goal to carry forth the love that God has shown by ministering to others in our church, community and world. We also desire to be witness for God by helping others both spiritually and physically. James 1:22 is a verse we strive to practice.

  • Room 148 - Married & Single Men
    Age 65+

    Using a curriculum, we are dedicated to Bible study and Christian growth by sharing Jesus Christ and caring for others. We also focus on local and foreign missions.

  • Room 222 - Couples & Singles
    Age 65+

    To be united in Bible Study that equips us to show God’s love to our class, our church, our community and beyond.

  • FLC 3rd Floor - Couples & Singles
    Age 60s+

    A traditional formatted class with fellowship and lessons from curriculum. We also joyfully serve each other and the church. We are ‘bonded’ together by strong ties of love and seek to have rich experiences of knowing Christ with real certainty and clear understanding.

  • Room 340 - Couples & Singles
    Age 60s-70s

    Glorifying God by studying the Bible, prayer and sharing God’s word and his love with others.